South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
  • In emergencies call 999
  • General enquiries 0114 272 7202
A breathing apparatus mask hangs down from a firefighters neck. You can see the mask, up close, and can just make out a number of firefighters gathered round the individual's mask. They are wearing black firefighting kit.

Lists and registers

Lists and registers

Here you will find details of the lists and registers we maintain that are open to the public.  We are required to make available details of the location of public land and building assets under the Local Government Transparency Code of Practice 2015.

Datasets are licenced under the terms of the Open Government Licence, further information is available here Publication scheme – South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (

Land and Building Assets


Fleet List


Registers Open to Public Inspection

Under the Environmental and Safety Information Act 1998; a register of information about the issue of Alteration, Enforcement and Prohibition Notices open to inspection by the public free of charge.  Information is also available via the National Enforcement Register on the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) website.

Register of Members Interests

An individual link to each Members’ Register of Interests is contained with their profile on the Fire and Rescue Authority website and can be accessed by the link below.

Register of Gifts and Hospitality

This content was last updated on January 22nd, 2025