Here we list some information we are required to publish under the 2015 Local Government Transparency Code of Practice, as well as other useful data.
Transparency code data
SYFR Land and Building Assets
Spending over £500
Government Procurement Card/credit card transactions
Grants to voluntary, community and enterprise organisations
Invitations to tender over £5000
Contracts over £5,000
Organisational Chart
Senior Management Team
Trade Union Facility Time 2018/19
Trade Union Facility Time 2019/20
Trade Union Facility Time 2020/21
Trade Union Facility Time 2021/22
Trade Union Facility Time 2022/23
Pay multiple – Pay Policy 2020/2021
Pay Policy Statement 2024
Other useful data
Public Risk Registers
Gifts and Hospitality
Special Service Charges
Corporate Risk Management Policy and Strategy
SYFR Fleet List
You can find lots of performance information which has already been published on the Fire England website.
Gender Pay Gap
Gender Pay Gap narrative and figures 2020
Gender Pay Gap narrative and figures 2021
Gender Pay Gap narrative and figures 2022
Gender Pay Gap narrative and figures 2023
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Unless otherwise stated, you may use and re-use the information listed on this page (not including logos or other graphics) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
When you use this information under the Open Government Licence, you should include the following attribution: South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue, licensed under the Open Government Licence.
For further information see Open Government Licence.