Policies and procedures for the conduct of Authority business
Our Constitution sets out how the Authority works, how decisions are made and procedures to ensure efficiency, transparency and accountable to local people. This includes Contract Standing Orders, the Scheme of Delegation to Officers, Member and Officer Code of Conduct and the Code of Corporate Governance and other information.
Community Right to Challenge was introduced by the Government via the Localism Act 2011 providing the right for voluntary and community or local authority employees to submit an expression of interest in running services of fire and rescue authorities on behalf of that authority.
Complaints – If you wish to make a complaint about a Member of the Authority, you can use the Contact Us or email to write to the Monitoring Officer.
Garry Kirk, Monitoring Officer for SYFRA
Legal Service Director & Solicitor to Barnsley MBC
PO Box 634
S70 9GG
Email: garykirk@barnsley.gov.uk
Policies and procedures for the provision of services
The Service has many policies and procedures to guide day-to-day activities and how services are provided. The information you require may be available on our website.
Our most requested information is:
Business Fire Safety, Building Regulations, Risk Assessments, Licensing –
Community Fire Safety / home safety checks, smoke alarms –
Incidents we have attended –
Procurement, how to do business with us, supply services –
Vacancies, apprenticeships, volunteering, work experience –
If you are unable to find the information you require, please complete the Contact us form or email foi@syfire.gov.uk.
Policies and procedures about the employment of staff
South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue is an equal opportunities employer and aims to ensure our dedicated and professional workforce is representative of the communities we serve. We understand that having a workforce which is made up of those from the wide range of communities, localities and backgrounds within South Yorkshire will enable us to offer the best possible service through strong community links, better understanding of our communities and offering opportunities for all.
Current vacancies are published on our website including information of apprenticeships, volunteering opportunities and work experience.
We offer a guaranteed interview scheme in relation to disability and further information is available from our recruitment team. Email: recruitment@syfire.gov.uk Telephone 0114 2532811.
Customer Service
Our Customer Charter brings together customer service polices and a summary of the standards when you contact us.
Complaints and Compliments online form if you feel something has not gone well or you would like to say thank you. Alternatively you can email customercare@syfire.gov.uk or telephone 0114 2532209.
Complaints Procedure – Customer Guide explains the 4 stages of our complaints procedure.
Freedom of Information Act – How to make a request
Publication Scheme We have adopted the Model Publication Scheme approved by the Information Commissioner, using the definition document for joint authorities and boards and the information published in this area of our website operates as the scheme.
Internal instructions, manuals and guidelines
Email foi@syfire.gov.uk with your request or via our Contact us form.
Records management and personal data policies
Information explaining our Data Sharing and Protection is available on the Service website.
How we collect and use your information is explained on the Service website.
Privacy Policy explaining how we collect data from our online visitors.
Charging Regimes and Policies
Current fees and charges – awaiting information
Freedom of Information available free of charge; unless the estimate cost of identifying, locating and retrieving information is more than £450 (18 hours work). Fees will be explained in our response. Email: foi@syfire.gov.uk
Data Protection Subject Access Requests available free of charge unless the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge a maximum reasonable fee of £10 to comply with the request or further copies of data following a request. Contact the Data Protection Officer via email: dataprotection@syfire.gov.uk.
Incident Reports: Single copies of Incident Reports are available at a cost of £111.00 including VAT.
Incident Officer Interviews: Interviews with an Officer who has attended an incident are available by written request at a cost of £311.60 including VAT for the first two hours followed by £100.00 per hour after that.
Email: resintel@syfire.gov.uk or in writing to: South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, 197 Eyre Street, Sheffield S1 3FG
Environmental Information: information requested under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 will generally be available free of charge, although we reserve the right to make a reasonable charge.
Firework and explosives licences fees payable are available on our website.
Petroleum Certification Details of fees payable are available on our website. We charge a standard administration fee of £100 for all Petroleum Environmental enquiries for business.
Special Services: Under Sections 11 and 12 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 each Fire and Rescue Authority has discretionary power to employ the Fire Service maintained by them, or use any equipment so maintained for purposes other than firefighting. They generally fall into two main categories, either emergency or non-emergency and within South Yorkshire only non-emergency Special Services, some lift rescues and spills, leaks and chemical incidents on commercial premises will be charged for.
Our current Special Service Charges 2018-19.