South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue

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Amazing and life-changing youth scheme makes a long-term impact on 25-year-old Becky Dore

In 2017, Becky Dore’s mental health declined when she moved away from home to study for a specialist health care degree at university.

After leaving university, Becky was in a ‘dark place’ and was unsure what steps to take. She knew she wanted to work within the community and support people but didn’t know where to start. She felt lost.

Becky, who lives in Sheffield, then found the Prince’s Trust Team Programme where she enjoyed a full programme of study and work experience opportunities that have ultimately led her to gain her dream role as a Community Safety Administrator at South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue.

Now aged 25, Becky said that when she left university her confidence was low, and she didn’t know what to do. She felt helpless. But praises the Prince’s Trust Team Programme for turning her life around and getting her on the right path.

Becky said: “When I moved away for university, my mental health was really affected, and I knew it wasn’t right for me. They offered me no support at all, so I went home.

“After feeling disappointed and let down, I didn’t know what to do next. But then I found the Prince’s Trust Team Programme and they gave me the confidence to refocus myself to get on track.

“They encouraged me to be independent again and inspired me to work hard to achieve my goals. As well as completing theory and educational sessions, I also completed work experience in childcare and a school as I always wanted to work in the community.

“Before and during Prince’s Trust, I was dealing with many struggles and personal experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I struggled with my confidence and struggled to apply myself to my best ability. I have now learned from my dark times and have found the strength to move on from them.

“I feel that John and the team leaders supported me in the best way possible and that the Prince’s Trust prepared me for life more than school, college, or university.”

Becky praises the course as ‘amazing and life changing’ and says the scheme has had a valuable impact on her life.

She said: “I can appreciate the value of participating in this amazing, life-changing course. It gave me so many opportunities and it has had a crucial and valuable impact on my life that has stayed with me till current day.

“The Prince’s Trust helped to develop my prospects and ambition and it gave me the confidence and insight into pursuing further careers.

“I made great friends and will always remember it as one of the best times I’ve had in my life.

Becky directly credits the Prince’s Trust Team Programme as the reason behind securing her role in the fire service.

“From attending workshops, gaining my first aid certificate, going on the residential, leading and completing the community project, undertaking work experience, graduating, and giving a well-applauded speech – I have used the course for many job interviews.

“After achieving so much and overcoming so many challenges on the course, I believe it is this what led me on the right path into the fire service.”

Becky highly recommends the course and encourages other people to enrol as it opens a vast range of opportunities in the real world.

“The Prince’s Trust was the first time I felt anyone had believed in me. I felt a huge inspiration from the leaders not only due to their efforts but due to the service’s reputation and I felt encouraged and trusted to be independent.

“I developed a lot from the course provisions and especially the one-to-one support I received from the leaders, through their encouragement and confidence in me.

“I have always been very passionate about the Prince’s Trust and advocate it for young people to take part in and to make the most of all the opportunities they provide.”

Are you 16-25 and inspired by Becky’s story? You can join more than 200 people who have more successfully completed the programme and you too can go on to achieve a great future.

The Prince’s Trust Team Programme is a 12-week personal development course for unemployed 16- to 25-year-olds, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, and community projects.

Individuals will gain new skills and qualifications, mix with new people and make new friends, get help with job-hunting and CV writing, and most importantly a big boost to their confidence and to gain a real sense of achievement.

The Team Programme is full-time, 9:30am – 3:30pm, Monday – Friday at Barnsley Fire Station, and is completely free and will not affect any benefits.

For more information contact