South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
  • In emergencies call 999
  • General enquiries 0114 272 7202

Christmas Tree Catastrophes: Is your festive foliage a fire hazard waiting to happen?

Ah, the magic of Christmas trees adorned with twinkling lights and shiny ornaments!

While they bring joy and warmth to the season, it’s crucial to ensure that the festive centrepiece doesn’t turn into a seasonal hazard.

Follow our life-saving tips to keep your Christmas tree from sparking a fiery catastrophe:

Choose Wisely: opt for a fresh tree

Select a tree with vibrant, green needles that don’t easily fall off. A well-hydrated tree is less likely to catch fire.

Keep It Hydrated

Water your tree daily. A well-hydrated tree is less likely to ignite. Check the water level in the stand regularly and never let it run dry.

Location, Location, Location

Place your tree well away from heat sources, such as fires, log burners and electric heaters. Ensure it doesn’t block doors or pathways.

Lights Out? Replace or repair!

Inspect your Christmas lights for frayed wires, damaged sockets, or loose connections. Replace any faulty lights immediately. Consider using LED lights, which emit less heat.

Don’t Overload Sockets

Avoid overloading electrical sockets. A maximum of 13 amps for an extension lead, and never link multiple extension leads together.

Switch It Off Before You Doze

Turn off your Christmas tree lights before going to bed or leaving the house. Consider using a timer to automate this process.

Trim the Trim

Keep decorations, especially paper or flammable ornaments, away from heat sources. Opt for flame-resistant or flame-retardant decorations whenever possible.

Dispose of It Properly

Once the holidays are over, promptly remove the tree from your home. Many communities offer Christmas tree recycling programs.

Have an Escape Plan Ready

Always have a fire escape plan in place. Ensure that everyone in your household knows the plan and practice it regularly.

By following these fire safety tips, you’ll ensure that your Christmas tree stays festive and fabulous without the risk of turning your holiday dreams into a blazing nightmare. Stay safe, and have a Merry Christmas!

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue launches WhatsApp Channel to enhance community communication

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (SYFR) is excited to announce the launch of its official WhatsApp Channel, a new platform designed to strengthen communication with the community and provide important fire safety advice, major incident updates, and other exclusive behind the scene looks at SYFR.

A first of its kind for a fire service in the UK, the channel forms part of SYFR’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents of South Yorkshire. Our new WhatsApp Channel will serve as a direct line of communication between the fire service and the public, offering a convenient and accessible way to receive timely updates and engage with important fire safety content.

Key Features of the SYFR WhatsApp Channel:

Fire Safety Tips: Receive regular, easy-to-follow tips to enhance safety at home, in the workplace, and within the community.

Major Incidents: Stay informed during major incidents with updates and safety advice.

Behind the Scenes: Get exclusive behind the scene looks at how SYFR works and discover trivia and facts about the service.

Event Announcements: Be the first to know about upcoming fire safety events, open days and charity car washes.

You can sign up to the channel here.

About WhatsApp Channels

WhatsApp Channels work a bit like following a page does on Facebook – rather than being “Friends” with an individual, that is.

Channels give you the opportunity to effectively sign up for updates from organisations, creators, and communities without anyone else having to know that you’re doing so.

When you join a WhatsApp Channel, while the Channel’s admins will get a notification, they won’t get access to your phone number or details.

You’ll then get new messages whenever admins post in the Channel, much as you would from a contact, except in a new tab at the bottom of WhatsApp called Updates.

You can review these posts whenever you like. You’ll be able to react with emojis and see how others are reacting, but your contacts won’t be able to see your precise reactions, even if they’re in the same Channel.

Messages, images and other posts disappear after 30 days, and admins can limit the forwarding of messages or files if they desire, to keep Channels more tightly controlled.