South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
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  • General enquiries 0114 272 7202

Fire Service recruiting for life changing Prince’s Trust course

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) is searching for youngsters who are up for a challenge to be part of our successful Prince’s Trust Team Programme.

SYFR have teamed up with the Prince’s Trust to deliver The Team Programme, a 12 week personal development course for unemployed 16 – 25 year olds, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week.

Individuals will gain new skills and qualifications, mix with new people and make new friends, get help with job-hunting and CV writing and most importantly a big boost to their confidence and a real sense of achievement.

SYFR Team Programme Leader John Daley said; “Our first Team Programme was a great success with ten youngsters graduating and a number of individuals securing a job afterwards. We are now recruiting for our next course starting in May. The course will include team building exercises, work placements, CV writing and loads more, which will give the youngsters a real sense of purpose and achievement.”

Jack Darton, member of the first Team Programme said; “This course has enabled me to make loads of new friends and learn new skills which I will be able to use in my life and help me with getting a job. I owe a lot to the Team Programme and would like to thank South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue and the Prince’s Trust for giving me this opportunity.”

To be part of the next Team Programme or for further details contact John Daley on 07769 887249 or

Fire service backs national safety week with stark water warning

The fire service has revealed it has attended dozens of water rescues in the last five years, as it uses a national campaign week to remind the public of the dangers of swimming in open water.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue is supporting Drowning Prevention and Water Safety Week (25 April to 1 May) by asking people to avoid open water- like rivers and lakes- because they may not always be aware of the danger they pose.

River flows can be unpredictable and water is often deeper, colder and faster than expected. People should enjoy water safely in swimming pools or safer specialist facilities instead, officers warn.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue have attended 85 water rescue incidents over the last five years, resulting in five people dying.

Firefighters will be visiting water beauty spots during the week to offer safety advice to local people. Safety officers will be at Rother Valley Country Park in Sheffield on Wednesday (27 April) and at Thrybergh Country Park in Rotherham on Friday (29 April), both between 10am and 3pm.

Head of Prevention & Protection Steve Helps said; “We regularly receive 999 calls in the summer about people getting into difficulty in water, so it’s only a matter of time before someone’s safety is really put at risk unless people listen to our advice.

“It can be tempting to cool off in the summer months, but stick to a swimming pool. Hundreds of people drown each year in the UK and places like rivers, lakes or flooded quarries are completely unsuitable for swimming as they hide a number of hidden dangers.”

Over 400 people die in the water every year in the UK, and firefighters are urging people to follow some basic rules to stay safe.

The dangers of open water are:

• The water can be much deeper than you expect
• Rivers, lakes, canals and reservoirs are much colder than you think
• Open water can carry water borne diseases, pollutants and bacteria
• Cold water dramatically affects your ability to swim
• There may be hidden currents, which can pull you under the water
• You don’t know what lies beneath, like pieces of rubbish or reeds which can trap or injure you

Mum issues water safety warning following tragic death of son

The mum of a teenager who drowned swimming in a quarry has delivered an emotional presentation to college students on the horror of losing her son.

Beckie Ramsay has visited Doncaster College to talk to youngsters aged 16 – 25 abo2016-04-13 10 14 58 (3)ut her son Dylan who died in 2011 at a quarry in Whittle-le-Woods, in Chorley, Lancashire, aged just 13.

Dylan was swimming in a quarry and had been in the water about twenty minutes before getting into difficulties. He was pulled from the water and given CPR but was unable to be resuscitated.

Ever since, Beckie has worked tirelessly to promote water safety and has launched a campaign in his memory ‘Doing it for Dylan’.

Doing it for Dylan was set up to get water safety messages to children, students and adults to raise the awareness around the dangers of swimming in open water.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) is now planning to take water safety into schools this summer to teach youngsters about the unseen dangers in water.

Beckie said: “I want children to realise just because the sun is hot outside, the wat2016-04-13 10 40 29blacker isn’t. Open water is stronger, deeper, colder and more dangerous than you think. It’s not worth the risk to your life and putting your family through the pain that I have been through.”

SYFR Community Safety Officer Gary Willoughby said; “We regularly receive 999 calls in the summer about people getting into difficulty in water. It can be tempting to cool off in the summer months, but stick to a swimming pool. Hundreds of people drown each year in the UK and places like rivers, lakes or flooded quarries are completely unsuitable for swimming as they hide a number of hidden dangers. Remember NO lifeguard means NO swimming”.

You can download a Water Safety Booklet here

To find out more about Doing It For Dylan go to, or follow @missmybabyboy on Twitter.

Prince’s Trust Team graduates with fire service honours

Ten youngsters have successfully graduated from the Prince’s Trust Team Programme having completed a challenging 12 week programme.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) teamed up with the Prince’s Trust and Barnsley College to deliver the Prince’s Trust Team Programme. Team is a 12 week personal development course for unemployed 16 – 25 year olds, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week.

The young people have all been thrown out of their comfort zone during the last few weeks, participating in a week-long residential in the Peak District, designing a sensory garden for Greenacre School, worked in the community with various groups as well as learning new skills in individual work placements.

The graduation which was held at Barnsley Town Hall was a great celebration of all their hard work and efforts. It was attended by their friends and family as well as local dignitaries.

SYFR Team Programme Leader John Daley said; “I am really proud of the whole group, throughout the Team Programme the young people have experienced a sense of achievement which has inspired them to move forward with new confidence and ambition. We wish them all the luck for their future.”

SYFR Area Manager Steve Helps, said: “The last 12 weeks have been about building the confidence of these young people and equipping them with the skills qualifications and experience to find employment and build better lives for themselves. From classes in CV building to laboratory visits and work placements we have been able to offer participants crucial skills and insights they otherwise may never have experienced. I am truly proud of the role the fire service has played in helping these young people aspire to a better future.”

Jack Darton, member of the Team Programme said; “This course has enabled me to make loads of new friends and learn new skills which I will be able to use in my life and help me with getting a job. I owe a lot to the Team Programme and would like to thank South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue and the Prince’s Trust for giving me this opportunity.”

Midwives to provide fire safety to mums-to-be

Thousands of mums-to-be will be educated about home safety thanks to bespoke fire service funded room thermometers.

Following a recent successful trial of the thermometers in the Barnsley area, maternity units across South Yorkshire will now hand out the thermometers to expectant parents.

As well as telling parents when their baby’s room is at the correct temperature, the specially designed thermometers will also display important messages about topics including home fire safety and smoke free homes.

There will also be a focus on referring people to Stop Smoking Maternity service, whereby specialist midwives give practical advice and support to families who smoke. As well as greatly increasing the risk of house fires, smoking in pregnancy is known to increase the risk of miscarriage, still and premature birth and other complications.

The project has been awarded just over £23,500 under South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority’s funding scheme, the Stronger Safer Communities Reserve.

The fund saw dozens of registered charities, community organisations and partner agencies come forward and apply for grants from the £2 million fund, which had been set aside from the Authority’s reserves.

Groups were able to bid for as little as £5,000 or as much as £150,000 to support projects which reduce injuries, save lives and make South Yorkshire safer. Key objectives for the fund include prioritising the most vulnerable, collaboration and data sharing.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue high risk co-ordinator, Sarah Broadbent, said: “We already have a strong relationship with the midwives at Barnsley Hospital, including a successful referral scheme ensuring the most vulnerable families in the borough are referred for our home safety check service.

“This latest project will see important fire safety messages delivered to thousands of families in South Yorkshire, at a busy time in their lives when basic home safety issues could easily be forgotten.”

Joanne Poskitt, Specialist Midwife in Drug and Alcohol Use at Barnsley Hospital, said: “We work closely with the fire service already as it is well documented that there are links between a smoking home and sudden infant death or meningitis.

“The thermometers are a practical and simple tool which will help parents provide a safe sleeping environment for baby, information on creating a smoke free home and offer the opportunity for a free home safety check. We have already been handing out the thermometers in Barnsley and will now be extended to the whole of South Yorkshire.”

Fire Service funding helps youth club project reduce anti-social behaviour

A partnership youth project is helping to turn around anti-social behaviour in the South East of Sheffield

The Dark Nights project works with partners including Salvation Army, South Yorkshire Police, Activity Sheffield and South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue to deliver an eight week youth club project for young people in the area.

The scheme was awarded nearly £5900 under the South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority’s funding scheme, Stronger Safer Communities Reserve.

The project runs from January to March, when the number of alternative, positive activities available to youngsters in the area is normally at its lowest. Young people meet once a week to take part in activities, including tours of the fire training and development centre, as well as educational sessions around first aid, road safety, fire investigation, social media awareness and the consequences of anti-social behaviour.

Andrew Watson at Salvation Army said; “We are thankful to South Yorkshire Fire Authority’s funding which has enabled the project to proceed. It continues to be popular with young people and provides a great approach to preventing future anti social behaviour as well as making young people more responsible for their safety and the community they live in.”

SYFR Station Manager Matt Gillatt said: “Engaging with young people in this way is one of the best ways of building lasting, positive relationships which have long term benefits for the communities we serve. It’s only by working together that public agencies can put together initiatives like this one and we are grateful to all the partners involved in helping us deliver these youth clubs.”

The Stronger Safer Communities Reserve saw dozens of registered charities, community organisations and partner agencies come forward and apply for grants from the £2 million fund, which had been set aside from the Authority’s reserves. Groups were able to bid for as little as £5,000 or as much as £150,000 to support projects which reduce injuries, save lives and make South Yorkshire safer.

Sprinkler system saves resident from fire

A fire sprinkler system has saved an elderly resident in Sheffield following a fire at her home.

The recently installed system, at her house on Derby Street in Gleadless, activated after the owners mobility scooter caught fire and spread to the front of her home, allowing her to escape without serious injury.

The sprinkler extinguished the fire and limited the damage to the property. When fire crews arrived the fire was already under control, with the inside being relatively undamaged by fire.

The fire sprinkler system had been fitted as part of a ground breaking initiative by Sheffield City Council to improve fire safety to properties, supported by South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (SYFR).

The installation of these types of systems is now mandatory in Wales and SYFR are actively promoting the use of this type of protection in all types of buildings to build resilience and safety into our community.

SYFRs Technical fire safety manager Amy Jenkinson, said: “The combination of working smoke alarms and a home sprinkler system reduces the risk of death from fire by more than 80%.

“As this incident proves automatic fire sprinklers are most effective during the initial stage of a fire occurring, as a properly installed sprinkler will detect the flames heat, initiate an alarm, and activate just moments after the flames appear.”

Councillor Jayne Dunn, cabinet member for housing at Sheffield City Council, said: “Fire safety is hugely important and we have invested heavily in this area. As well as sprinklers in some properties, we have been upgrading fire doors and installing safety measures such as smoke seals and heat detectors. All this is part of our £300million investment programme to upgrade our council homes.

“Incidents like this show just how important these fire safety measures are. I’m very pleased they made a difference and urge everyone to consider what fire safety they have in their own home.”

“Neigh problem” say crews after firefighters praised for horse rescue

Firefighters have been reunited with a horse they rescued after it became trapped in its horse box by its legs.

Central white watch returned to meet the horse, called Nimrod, and its owner after a distressing incident back in January.

Nimrod had panicked and jumped over the jockey door in his horse box into a very small space with his back legs jammed over the top of a steel bar. His owner Colleen Eccles was unable to free him so a friend at the stables called the fire service to assist.

Firefighters were able to slowly remove the bar and rescue him from his ordeal. The crew have now been back to visit Nimrod to see how he is getting on, with Colleen using the visit as a chance to thank the crew for everything they did to save her beloved horse.

Crew Manager Jo Hoare said, “It was a challenging rescue as Nimrod is a large horse and was very scared and in pain from the position he was in. The crew worked together to release the bar. Luckily it was a happy ending and it’s been great to come back and see Nimrod in more normal circumstances.”

Owner Colleen Eccles said. “I can’t thank the firefighters enough, their brave and decisive efforts saved the life of my beautiful horse. They were amazing, despite the size and upset nature of Nimrod they safely cut him out of the terrible position he had got himself into.”

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue attends dozens of animal rescues every year. These fall under the 1,500 ‘special service’ incidents South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue attends each year, including freeing people from road traffic collisions, water rescues, flooding and lift releases. That’s on top of the thousands of house, property and smaller fires it also attends each year.

National museum’s safety displays showcased at official unveiling of fire service funded revamp

The nation’s premier museum celebrating the work of the emergency services will deliver interactive safety information to thousands of visitors thanks to a fire service funded facilities overhaul.

The National Emergency Services museum has launched its new fire and road safety educational facilities with museum goers now benefiting from updated fire safety messages delivered by new computer and audio equipment.

The unveiling this week was attended by representatives from all the emergency services along with members of the South Yorkshire Fire Authority.

The museum gained national status in January 2014 and is embarking on a major re-development.

The National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield was awarded nearly £20,000 to help upgrade its educational display, under the South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority’s funding scheme, the Stronger Safer Communities Reserve.

Chair of the Fire Authority, Cllr Jim Andrews said: “The museum has undergone a fantastic refurbishment and upgrade of its educational displays which reflect the most up to date and relevant safety information, which will ultimately help to reduce deaths and injuries from fires and on the roads.”

Matt Wakefield at the National Emergency Services Museum, said: “It’s great to receive support of this nature as it allows the museum to grow, develop and continue to promote life safety through hands-on learning with history.”

Firefighter recruits pass out in style

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue’s latest group of new recruits has successfully graduated following 13 weeks of intensive training.

The group of eight firefighters have completed their training at the Training and Development Centre (TDC) in Handsworth and will now join the fire crews at their respective stations at Parkway and Rotherham.

The passing out parade at TDC was attended by their family and friends along with local dignitaries.

During the parade, the newly qualified firefighters showcased their skills and techniques by rescuing casualties from a mock road traffic collision, before being presented with their certificates.

The much anticipated award for Top Trainee went to Firefighter Kim Wilkinson who was presented with the silver axe.

Head of Emergency Response Phil Shillito said: “The recruits have gone through rigorous training to incorporate the demands of the modern firefighter role as we continue to provide the best possible 999 service to the public. They have worked really hard and their achievements today are well deserved.

“The financial pressures the fire and rescue service faces are both well documented and unprecedented. But by recruiting these individuals we have also shown that despite the challenges we face we remain committed to supporting our future.
“We wish them all the best for their future career.”