South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
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  • General enquiries 0114 272 7202

Farm fires warning after summer blazes spike

Fire officers are urging farmers to take steps to protect their livelihoods, after a large number of farm blazes in the last three months.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue has attended 39 fires since June, either on farm sites or involving crops in fields.

Many of those fires were started deliberately, with most farms’ isolated locations, open boundaries and easily ignitable materials like hay and straw making them particularly vulnerable to arson.

More than 1,600 farm buildings are lost to fire each year in the UK, costing farmers thousands of pounds in lost machinery, crops and livestock.

Head of prevention and protection Steve Helps, said: “We get called to dozens of field and farm fires each year in South Yorkshire, with many of these fires occurring around harvesting time.

“Not only do fires like this put lives at risk by potentially diverting fire engines away from other, life threatening incidents, they also cost farmers thousands of pounds in damage.

“The maximum sentence for arson is life in prison. People do get caught and do get prosecuted, so we urge people to report arsonists to the police”.

To help prevent fires, farmers are being asked to:

Remove hay and straw as soon as possible after harvesting
Store fuels, fertilisers and pesticides securely – preferably under lock and key
Check unoccupied and remote areas of the farm to make sure they are safe and secure

Anyone with information about people starting fires in their area should call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Fire Service funded waste food scheme wins national award

A fire service funded waste food project has won a national industry award for sustainability.

The Doncaster based Real Junk Food project campaigns to end food waste and runs a ‘pay as you feel’ cafe catering for people who use food banks and struggle with the cost of food.

The Real Junk Food Project is run entirely by volunteers and was voted as the community winner at the Footprint Awards ceremony held in London recently. The award recognises the catering and hospitality businesses that contribute to a reduction in the environmental impact of the industry and in turn making it a more sustainable in environmental, economic and social terms.

Fire safety officers hold regular drop in sessions at the Project, giving face-to-face safety and fire prevention advice to service users and their families.

The project was awarded just over £8,000 under South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority’s funding scheme, the Stronger Safer Communities Reserve.

The fund saw dozens of registered charities, community organisations and partner agencies come forward and apply for grants from the £2 million fund, which had been set aside from the Authority’s reserves.

Head of Prevention & Protection Steve Helps said, “House fires have reduced massively in the last decade, but sadly the people most likely to suffer a fire are also often the hardest to reach with fire safety information. That’s why it’s important that we work closely with partners, like The Real Junk Food Project, so that we can continue to reduce death and injuries in accidental house fires.”

Fire service business safety call during major national awareness week

Businesses across South Yorkshire are being reminded of their duties under fire safety laws, as part of a major national awareness campaign.

The South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) safety plea includes a call on businesses to make sure their fire risk assessments and staff training is up to date and that their alarm systems are working properly.

The warning comes during UK Business Safety Week (5 to 11 September). The awareness week, coordinated nationally by the Chief Fire Officer’s Association (CFOA), seeks to get businesses to engage with local fire services to help manage their fire risk, get advice on completing fire risk assessments and ensure business continuity.

SYFR Business fire safety manager Amy Jenkinson, said: “Our aim is always to engage with local businesses in a positive way and to work with them to make improvements before we have to resort to taking enforcement action, which may include closing part or all of a building, or resort to criminal prosecution.

“But the recent increase in the number of prohibition notices served is worrying and we’d urge business owners to take the time to learn about their responsibilities under fire safety legislation and complete a fire risk assessment to reduce the likelihood of suffering a serious incident which could put their business and their people in danger.”

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) has tackled more than 500 fires in non-domestic properties in the last three years.

Top safety tips for businesses include:

Keep fire escapes clear– make sure extra stock is stored away from fire escapes, ensuring staff and customers can get out safely in the event of a fire
Check alarm systems– regular checks and maintenance help to eliminate automatic false alarms and ensure the alarm is working if required
Complete a fire risk assessment– not only will it help to reduce the risk of suffering a fire in the first place, it will help make sure you comply with fire safety laws
Sprinklers– consider installing sprinklers, but make sure you leave a good distance between your stock and sprinkler heads

For more fire safety advice for businesses, visit

Road safety campaign steps up with hard hitting seat belts message

The Illuminate campaign is now stepping up a gear in an attempt to reduce the number of fatalities on the roads of South Yorkshire.

The Safer Roads Partnership, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner and South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are aiming to warn people of the dangers of not belting up through two hard-hitting radio advertisements.

Danny doesn’t wear a seatbelt to visit his local shop around the corner. When he crashed, the consequence of this is that he chokes from punctured lungs as a result of his broken ribs. Jenny is on the school run, again with no seatbelt, when an incoming text distracts her and she hits a stationary vehicle and travels to school, through the windscreen, over her bonnet and on to the road.

Both radio advertisements were deemed so shocking that they had to be toned down for the school run and drive time audiences.

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner said: “It is not our intention to frighten people, but there is a very serious message here about people in motorised vehicles belting up every time.

“These advertisements do make you think of the consequences of not wearing a seatbelt. Sadly for many reasons, people tend to think it will not happen to them. Without a seatbelt what happens to Danny and Jenny, could happen to anyone.”

The advertisements created by Hallam FM will be aired throughout September and October on Hallam FM, Dearne FM, Rother FM and Trax FM.

Chief Inspector Glen Suttenwood, Joint Specialist Operations (uniform) for South Yorkshire and Humberside said: “We are still seeing a high number of fatalities and casualties as a result of collisions on South Yorkshire roads.

“Last year there were 49 fatalities within South Yorkshire and the figures this year are still very worrying. We need to raise awareness to drivers and their passengers about how important it is to belt-up. In a crash you are twice as likely to die if you don’t wear a seatbelt. Drivers and passengers who fail to wear seatbelts in the front and back of vehicles are breaking the law.

“Most crashes are as a result of some form of human error. Drivers can protect themselves, their passengers and others by following a few simple steps; always wear your seatbelt, don’t use a mobile phone whilst driving, stay within the speed limit and drive to the road conditions and don’t drink and drive. I ask everyone to help in reducing the number of people injured on the roads in South Yorkshire and urge all drivers and riders to take extra care and respect the needs of other road users”.

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Area Manager Steve Helps said: “Every death on our roads is a tragedy, but it is even more keenly felt when it is a young person who loses their life. Safe driving is mostly common sense. So we’re asking people to drive at the appropriate speed, leave a decent gap between you and the vehicle in front and never, ever drink and drive. Not just during the duration of this campaign, but every single day.”

The original advertisements that include breaking bones and chilling sound effects can be heard on the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s website here.

Road Safety Campaign to target young drivers, seatbelts & mobile phones

The PCC is supporting the next phase of the road safety campaign Illuminate which will focus on young drivers.

The campaign launched in February this year was set up to reduce fatalities on the roads of South Yorkshire by the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership. It will now be supported by both Dr Billings and South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue.

Statistics published last month by the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership showed that there had been an 88.5% increase across South Yorkshire in fatal casualties in 2015. Initial findings show that the contributory factors to road traffic collisions are speed, driver behaviour, not driving to the road conditions and driving whilst being over the prescribed drink or drug limit.

The Illuminate campaign will target young drivers through the month of August through a number of platforms including Facebook, Twitter and music streaming websites. It will seek to re-educate young drivers and their passengers on the importance of keeping within speed limits, wearing seatbelts and not using electronic devices whilst in control of a motorised vehicle.

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner said: “The Illuminate campaign is extremely important as it will repeatedly show young drivers how a split second decision could have devastating consequences.

“The campaign throughout August is directed at young drivers, but we must also reach out to other passengers in the vehicle. It is their own responsibility to ensure that they are wearing appropriate seatbelts, not traveling with a driver who has consumed alcohol or drugs and do not act as a distraction whilst travelling in the vehicle.

“I hope this campaign makes people stop and think about their actions. We understand that young drivers may be acting under peer pressure, but everyone in the vehicle has a responsibility to ensure that they all arrive at their destination safely.”

Illuminate will continue with further safety messages targeted at mobile phone usage and seatbelts over September and October. South Yorkshire residents will be able to hear radio advertisements running across Dearne FM, Rother FM, Trax FM and Hallam FM.

Social media users are encouraged to help spread these important messages by following #Illuminate.

Chief Inspector Glen Suttenwood, Head of Roads Policing for South Yorkshire and Humberside said: “Drivers within South Yorkshire can help us to work at reducing the numbers of fatalities on the roads within the county. The figures release last month show that 49 people have lost their lives in South Yorkshire as a result of a road traffic collision in the past year.

“We must all take responsibility for what happens in and around a vehicle that we are driving or travelling in. The campaign is also trying to reach out to family members of young drivers. We encourage them to speak to them and ensure they know the importance of speed limits, seatbelts, not taking any substances that could affect their ability to drive and challenging the use of electronic equipment, when in control of a motorised vehicle.”

Area Manager Steve Helps, said: “Every death on our roads is a tragedy, but it is even more keenly felt when it is a young person who loses their life. Safe driving is mostly common sense. So we’re asking people to drive at the appropriate speed, leave a decent gap between you and the vehicle in front and never, ever drink and drive. Not just during the duration of this campaign, but every single day.”

The social media campaign will begin during the first week of August.

Open day at Penistone fire station

Firefighters from Penistone station will be welcoming local people into their station on Saturday 23 July 2016 for a fun-packed open day.

There will be a range of activities and demonstrations planned throughout the day, including:

• Fire engine rides with the National Emergency Services Museum
• Fire engines to look around
• Chip pan demonstration
• The Red Cross
• Yorkshire Air Ambulance
• Yorkshire Ambulance Service
• Bouncy Castle
• Face painting
• Refreshments

and much much more.

The event will be open between 10am and 2pm at Penistone Fire Station, Sheffield Road, Penistone, Barnsley S36 6HN.

Watch Manager Toby Bulcock said, “The fire station is a large part of the local community so we are inviting local people to come along and find out a little more about how things work here at the station. There will be plenty of activities for all the family to enjoy a really good day out. Our firefighters will be on hand to offer road and fire safety advice.”

Road users urged to take more care to save injuries & lives

The South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership is urging all road users to consider their behaviour and to take extra care, in an effort to reduce the number of people injured or killed and to make the roads of South Yorkshire safer for everyone.

The message from the Partnership comes in the wake of last year’s road traffic collision figures, which saw a drop in the number of people getting injured on the county’s roads but a rise in the number of people getting killed.

“Although fewer people were injured last year compared to 2014, we were very disappointed to see that the number of people who were killed actually rose,” said Joanne Wehrle, the Education Manager for the Safer Roads Partnership.

“A total of 49 people of all ages lost their lives as the result of road traffic collisions across the county – 23 more than in 2014. This is extremely sad because any fatality is one too many and they leave a trail of devastation for family and friends left behind.”

She added: “The Safer Roads Partnership offers a vast range of safety courses for all ages and all road users. Whether you are a pedestrian, a cyclist, a motor-cyclist or a driver the Partnership can provide advice, training, support and information on a variety of topics. Many courses are geared to particular age groups, such as ‘Drive for Life’ for the 17 to 24 year age group, who are just about to start driving.

“However, road users, particularly car drivers and passengers, can do a lot to help and protect themselves by abiding by some key rules; drive to the conditions of the road and don’t speed, never use a mobile phone while at the wheel, don’t t drive when under the influence of drink or drugs and always ensure that you and your passengers wear a seatbelt. Remember that we all have a responsibility to keep ourselves and other road users safe. Look out for other road users and respect their needs when out on the roads.”

The figures concerned the Partnership so much that in February South Yorkshire Police, in conjunction with the Safer Roads Partnership, launched Operation Illuminate as part of a determined effort to prevent further tragedies.

Chief Supt. Rob Odell, Chair of the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership Board, said: “The increase in fatalities, especially those that occurred in the final few months of last year, means that both the Partnership and South Yorkshire Police must redouble our efforts to get the messages across about safer driving habits through both education and enforcement. We are targeting those road users who, as a result of their actions, may endanger themselves and others.”

In figures announced by the Safer Roads Partnership, 2015 saw a total of 4,401 casualties arising from 3,066 collisions on the roads in South Yorkshire – a drop of 3.4 percent.

Some 352 people were seriously injured in road accidents, which were 91 less than in 2014. Fewer people – 4,000 – were also slightly injured in 2015, compared to 4,088 in 2014.

There was a 3.2 per cent drop in the number of road collisions involving personal injury to 3,066. Of these, 359 involved fatal or serious injuries – 59 less than the year before.

A total of 49 people were killed, which was 23 more than the year before (2014) and which saw each of the four districts suffering an increase. Doncaster had the highest number of fatal casualties – 19, while Sheffield suffered 15, Rotherham 12 and Barnsley three.

Although each local authority area in South Yorkshire saw an increase in fatal casualties, each district also experienced a drop in the number of seriously injured compared to the year before, with both Sheffield and Doncaster having the lowest totals on record.

As in previous years, car users – drivers and passengers – experienced the highest number of casualties, although these fell from 3,026 to 2,988 in 2015. The number of car users killed or seriously injured fell to 137 but unfortunately, the number of fatal car user casualties increased to 28 in 2015, which accounted for more than half – 53 per cent – of all fatalities across the county.

Also as in previous years, car occupants were the largest casualty type at 34 per cent of all casualties, with pedestrians in second place at 29 per cent, motorcyclists at 24 per cent and pedal cycles at 11 per cent.

The number of pedestrian casualties dropped by 7.5 per cent to 570. However, the number of pedestrians getting killed increased by two to 11.

The number of casualties involving powered two wheelers – motorbikes and scooters – increased by 12 to 302 last year. The number of killed and seriously injured fell to 96 but with nine of these being fatal, seven more than in 2014.

All pedal cyclist casualties fell to 300 in 2015, along with the killed and seriously injured total falling from 57 to 44. Unfortunately, however, one pedal cyclist was killed in 2015.

There was a decrease in the number of children and young people killed or seriously injured in South Yorkshire in 2015. A total of 74, 45 of whom were pedestrians, were seriously injured – a drop of 6.2 per cent, and four were killed.

World renowned artist visits fire station after charity auction win

Aston Park fire station had a special visitor recently when Pollyanna Pickering, acclaimed as one of Europe’s foremost wildlife artists paid a visit.

Pollyanna and her daughter Anna-Louise Pickering had bought a firefighter experience day at an Age UK auction held at Aston Hall Hotel last autumn. Pollyanna was at the auction as part of her role as a Patron of Rotherham’s Gallery Town Art Project.

The firefighters at South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue’s Aston Park fire station were delighted to welcome the well known artist to the station. The day included a tour of the station and a look at the fire engines and all the equipment on board, along with trying on the firefighters uniform and wearing the breathing apparatus.

Pollyanna is the most published artist in the UK, her work sells in over 80 countries worldwide and is patron of the Wildlife Art Society International.

Pollyanna Pickering said; “It was absolutely fascinating to see behind the scenes at a working fire station and I was so impressed by the skill, bravery and dedication of the whole team.”

Station Manager Paul Bragger said; “It was a pleasure to meet Pollyanna and Anna-Louise and show them around our station and give them an insight in to the day to day running of a fire station. Fire stations remain important parts of local communities so beyond our core emergency response and prevention work, it’s important to be able to give members of the public an insight into our work.”

Firefighter For A Day Experience Aston Park White. 24-0 (88)

Barnsley residents safer in their home thanks to Fire Service funding

A charity scheme is helping to improve the quality of private rented accommodation for residents in Barnsley.

Groundwork is a Barnsley charity which aims to improve accommodation in deprived communities and to improve the health and well being of residents.

The scheme was awarded £63,500 under the South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority’s funding scheme, Stronger Safer Communities Reserve.

The project will employ two full time staff who will visit residents in private rented accommodation offering advice and support on safety issues within their home. As well as offering improvements to the energy efficiency of the properties, Groundwork will also check smoke alarms and fire blankets in kitchens, where appropriate, to help minimise and maintain the safety in the home now and in the future.

Phil Hayes at Groundwork said; “The funding received from South Yorkshire Fire Authority makes this project, which is in partnership with the Safer Community Team at Barnsley Council, possible and will ensure that Barnsley residents are safer and more prepared for an emergency in their home”.

SYFR Head of Prevention & Protection Steve Helps said: “Engaging with residents in their own home is one of the best ways to offer home safety advice. Working together with charities and other public agencies on initiatives like this is one of the best ways we can reach those most at risk of fire and helps us deliver our safety messages to residents in private rented accommodation.”

The Stronger Safer Communities Reserve saw dozens of registered charities, community organisations and partner agencies come forward and apply for grants from the £2 million fund, which had been set aside from the Authority’s reserves. Groups were able to bid for as little as £5,000 or as much as £150,000 to support projects which reduce injuries, save lives and make South Yorkshire safer.

Fire stations seek new cadets

Three Sheffield fire stations are looking to recruit new members to their fire cadet teams.

The cadets train at the stations once a week, learning firefighting skills and techniques from specially qualified instructors.

Fire Cadets also play a key role at community events, and attend team-building days throughout the year.

The three Sheffield stations currently recruiting are:

• Lowedges Fire Station, Lowedges Road, Sheffield S8 7JN
• Birley Moor Fire Station, Moor Valley, Sheffield S20 5FA
• Elm Lane Fire Station, Elm Lane, Sheffield S5 7TU

New recruits must be aged 13 to 18 years old.

Youth Engagement Officer Nicola Hobbs said: “We’re looking for enthusiastic and motivated youngsters who are eager to work with our fire cadet instructors to learn new skills, and support the fire service’s work in the local community. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain first-hand experience of fire station life and to work closely with local firefighters.”

For more information, email Nicola Hobbs at