Firefighters have been given a unique chance to put their expert skills to the test at a flame-filled live training exercise in Barnsley.
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue crews were able to stage the realistic scenario thanks to Barnsley Council and Berneslai Homes, who made soon-to-be-demolished properties on Baden Street in the town available for live fire and rescue training.
The scenario involved a fire being set in one of the properties and firefighters wearing breathing apparatus entering the property to rescue casualties and put out the blaze.
The burns are being carried out in a safe, controlled way with every effort made to minimise disruption to local people and the environment. Several more are planned over the coming weeks.
Fire bosses say that as the number of house fires in the country continues to fall, it’s vital that crews are trained in the most authentic conditions possible so that they are ready to respond to the best of their ability should real incidents occur.
Station Manager Chris Mee, said: “This project is designed to improve operational effectiveness, firefighter safety and public safety. As the number of house fires in South Yorkshire continues to reduce, our crews are exposed to less incidents making it even more important that the training we offer them is as realistic and challenging as possible.
“It’s also an example of public agencies working together to deliver better outcomes for local people and we’re really grateful to Barnsley Council and Berneslai Homes for agreeing to facilitate this rare training opportunity.”
Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place said: “We are delighted South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue have been able to carry out this project to help train their crews. The safety of Barnsley’s residents is of utmost importance to us and we are always looking for opportunities to work together with partners to achieve this.”
Berneslai Homes Director of Assets, Regeneration and Construction, Stephen Davis said: “We are pleased to be co-operating with this project with the fire service for the benefit of our tenants and residents and their safety.”