Firefighters from Stocksbridge were called to Springwood Road, Hoyland, at 7.14pm. Upon arrival they found a wheelie bin well alight. This is thought to have been started accidentally, after ashes from a disposable BBQ were placed in there. It was dealt with by 7.39pm.
Firefighters from Barnsley were called to Hornby Street, Worsborough Common, at 9.41pm. Upon arrival they found a Ford Fiesta well alight. This was dealt with by 10.11pm and is thought to have been started deliberately.
Firefighters from Cudworth were called to Warwick Road, Monk Bretton, at 9.56pm. Upon arrival they found the engine compartment of a vehicle, as well as a garden gate, well alight. This is thought to have been started deliberately and was dealt with by 10.33pm.
Firefighters from Rotherham, Elm Lane and Aston Park were called to Hatherley Road, Eastwood, at 10.31pm. Upon arrival they found no fire, but a heavily smoke logged property. This was due to two pans being left on a hob. The crew cleared the smoke and left the scene at around 10.50pm.
Firefighters from Dearne were called to Church Lane Marr, Doncaster, at 2.58am. Upon arrival they found an abandoned vehicle in a lay by. This was totally burnt out. The crew left the scene at 4.26am and this incident is thought to have been started deliberately.