Fire officers are urging the tens of thousands of new and returning students arriving in Sheffield this week to report accommodation safety concerns to their landlords.
Research from Electrical Safety First has shown negligent landlords and letting agents are failing to address common safety concerns, which could result in fires.
The charity found that:
- 1 in 4 students experienced faulty electrics in their private rented accommodation
- 37% of landlords failed to fix exposed wiring
- 35% never rectified damp, condensation or flooding around electrics
- 30% didn’t resolve issues around sockets and light fittings
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue say that whilst standards of rented accommodation for students in Sheffield are generally improving, students should stay vigilant and be bold in reporting safety any concerns.
Head of community safety Kevin Ronan, said: “Our message to students is that you shouldn’t have to put up with poor safety standards in your rented property. Landlords have a legal duty to ensure that your electrical installation is kept in repair and proper working order. So keep an eye out for constant tripping of fuses, flickering lights and scorching around sockets.
“Most freshers will be living in well managed halls of residence or private student accommodation complexes. But many more returning students will be heading into the private rented sector for the first time and should report any concerns to their landlords to prevent fires.”
Other top fire safety tips for students include:
- Ensure that your property is fitted with a working smoke alarm. Test the alarm upon arrival in your house and again at regular intervals throughout the year.
- Make sure your landlord or fellow housemates do not store anything on top of your microwave as they can cause it to overheat.
- Don’t attempt to cook after a night out drinking- buy a takeaway on the way home instead