We have hosted a major national data and mapping conference attended by fire services throughout the UK.
Faced with reduced budgets and changing demands, many fire services are recognising the key role that geographic information systems (GIS) can play in supporting smarter working.
GIS is a cost-effective solution which helps organisations in both the public and private sectors maximise their investment in geographic information by making it easier to share data between people and systems.
The system can illustrate response times from fire stations to incidents and assist the service with staffing and rostering issues by plotting the times from individual homes to stations.
The 2015 Cadcorp Fire Conference showcased the latest developments in GIS systems and discovered how they can aid the sharing of local knowledge.
SYFR Watch Manager Graham Howe, said: “Events like this are an important way for fire services to come together and learn how to make the most of the benefits systems like this can provide, ultimately helping to improve outcomes for the communities we are here to protect.
“It was an honour for South Yorkshire to once again be chosen as hosts for the event, which has fast become a ‘must attend’ event for many UK fire service intelligence teams.”
Stevenage-based Cadcorp is a UK based developer and supplier of GIS and web mapping software.