A number of young people are now in work or education thanks to the success of the emergency services run Prince’s Trust Programme.
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) and South Yorkshire Police (SYP) teamed up with the Prince’s Trust to deliver the Prince’s Trust Team Programme two years ago. During that time around 75 young people have benefited from the 12 week personal development course for unemployed 16 – 25 year olds, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week.
Individuals gained new skills, mixed with new people and made new friends, they were given help with job-hunting and CV writing and most importantly a big boost to their confidence and a real sense of achievement.
Past participants are now championing the programme, with their new lives and careers ahead of them these young people are encouraging others to take their first step and to sign up for this life changing experience.
Lee Niven, a member of our first Team Programme in Barnsley, managed to secure an apprenticeship with Network Rail while on the course, which has now led to full time employment as part of the Network Rail’s emergency response team and is gaining valuable qualifications which will secure his future.
Lee Niven said; “Without the support of the team leaders, the Prince’s Trust and the Fire and Police service I would not have had the confidence to go for this role. I would recommend this programme to everybody who needs a step up in life.”
Tara Nortcliffe was part of Team 3 at Barnsley she said; “After a successful work placement through the programme at a care home I was really pleased when they offered me a full time job. This is the field that I have always wanted to work in.
“I have had a difficult few years but being on the Prince’s Trust programme helped me overcome all the barriers that I had faced and now look forward to the future.”
Emma Salt was a member of Team 3 at Barnsley and at the end of the course was able to secure a job at Barnsley Football club on match days and also works in the restaurant there.
Emma said; “I really enjoyed the Prince’s Trust programme, I made loads of new friends and my confidence has just grown. I want to help others get the same experience as me which is why I have now volunteered with South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue and South Yorkshire Police to help run the Team Programme.”
We are now recruiting for the next Team Programme’s based in Dearne and Barnsley, to be part of it and to take that first step contact John Daley on 07769 887249 or princestrust@syfire.gov.uk.
More details can be found on the South Yorkshire Police website here www.southyorks.police.uk/princestrust
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Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvSKmcRN_Qc