South Yorkshire’s first ever throwline station was unveiled at Ulley Country Park last week, offering a potential lifeline to the hundreds of people who visit every week.
The throwline station has been dedicated to Dylan Ramsay, a young boy who drowned whilst swimming in a Lancashire quarry six years ago.
Dylan Ramsay’s mum, Beckie, attended the event to unveil the board in his memory and shared her story with local councillors.
Dylan was swimming in a quarry and had been in the water about twenty minutes before getting into difficulties. He was pulled from the water and given CPR but was unable to be resuscitated.
Ever since, Beckie has worked tirelessly to promote water safety and has launched a campaign in his memory ‘Doing it for Dylan’.
Doing it for Dylan was set up to get water safety messages to children, students and adults to raise the awareness around the dangers of swimming in open water.
Around 400 people needlessly drown in the UK every year and thousands more suffer injury, some life changing, through near-drowning experiences. These stations provide quick access rescue capability for anyone who might find themselves in difficulties in the water.
Area Manager Steve Helps said “This is a fantastic initiative and will go a long way to protect those who visit Ulley Country Park on a daily basis. This is a key part of our prevention work and I’m sure it will be the first of many throwline stations within South Yorkshire.”
You can download a Water Safety Booklet here
To find out more about Doing It For Dylan go to, or follow @missmybabyboy on Twitter.