South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
  • In emergencies call 999
  • General enquiries 0114 272 7202

Safety call as student landlords failing to fix fire risks

Fire officers are urging the tens of thousands of new and returning students arriving in Sheffield this week to report accommodation safety concerns to their landlords.

Research from Electrical Safety First has shown negligent landlords and letting agents are failing to address common safety concerns, which could result in fires.

The charity found that:

  • 1 in 4 students experienced faulty electrics in their private rented accommodation
  • 37% of landlords failed to fix exposed wiring
  • 35% never rectified damp, condensation or flooding around electrics
  • 30% didn’t resolve issues around sockets and light fittings

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue say that whilst standards of rented accommodation for students in Sheffield are generally improving, students should stay vigilant and be bold in reporting safety any concerns.

Head of community safety Kevin Ronan, said: “Our message to students is that you shouldn’t have to put up with poor safety standards in your rented property. Landlords have a legal duty to ensure that your electrical installation is kept in repair and proper working order. So keep an eye out for constant tripping of fuses, flickering lights and scorching around sockets.

“Most freshers will be living in well managed halls of residence or private student accommodation complexes. But many more returning students will be heading into the private rented sector for the first time and should report any concerns to their landlords to prevent fires.”

Other top fire safety tips for students include:

  • Ensure that your property is fitted with a working smoke alarm. Test the alarm upon arrival in your house and again at regular intervals throughout the year.
  • Make sure your landlord or fellow housemates do not store anything on top of your microwave as they can cause it to overheat.
  • Don’t attempt to cook after a night out drinking- buy a takeaway on the way home instead

Water safety warning ahead of bank holiday weekend

Firefighters are urging the public not to swim in lakes and reservoirs this weekend, with warmer weather set to return.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue says it has attended 282 water related incidents since 2012. Most were flooding or animal related, but 49 incidents involved rescuing people from open water. People died in three of those incidents.

Safety officers say people should avoid open water- like rivers and lakes- because they may not always be aware of the danger it poses. River flows can be unpredictable and water is often deeper, colder and faster than expected. People should enjoy water safely in swimming pools or safer, specialist facilities instead.

Head of community safety Kevin Ronan, said: “We regularly receive 999 calls in the summer about people getting into difficulty in water, so it’s only a matter of time before someone’s safety is really put at risk unless people listen to our advice.

“It can be tempting to cool off in the summer months, but stick to a swimming pool. Hundreds of people drown each year in the UK and places like rivers, lakes or flooded quarries are completely unsuitable for swimming as they hide a number of hidden dangers.”

Over 400 people die in the water every year in the UK, and firefighters are urging people to follow some basic rules to stay safe.

The dangers of open water are:

  • The water can be much deeper than you expect
  • Rivers, lakes, canals and reservoirs are much colder than you think
  • Open water can carry water borne diseases, like Weils disease
  • Cold water dramatically affects your ability to swim
  • There may be hidden currents, which can pull you under the water
  • You don’t know what lies beneath, like pieces of rubbish or reeds which can trap or injure you

Schools urged to install sprinklers as number of fire revealed

Fire officers are calling on the region’s schools to consider installing sprinkler systems, after attending more than 50 blazes in two years.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue says many of the incidents were deliberately started fires on school grounds, such as bin and grass fires.

But other incidents involved school buildings, prompting safety officers to issue their warning.

Technical fire safety manager, Amy Jenkinson, said: “When you consider the huge costs associated with a school fire such as rebuilding, temporary relocation, loss of equipment and pupil’s academic work, it seems like an obvious move to install a sprinkler system, but many schools still don’t.

“Above everything else, sprinklers give added protection to the pupils and staff at the school, and the firefighters who respond to tackle the fire.”

The fire service was called to 59 incidents at schools between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2015. Of these, 15 started accidentally whilst 43 were arson and one was an unknown cause.

Sprinklers are the most effective way to ensure that fires are suppressed or even extinguished before the fire service can arrive. They save lives and reduce injuries, protect firefighters who attend incidents and reduce the amount of damage to property.

Sprinklers also reduce environmental damage by limiting the amount of smoke which enters the atmosphere and reducing water runoff from firefighting.

In 2012 firefighters attended a blaze at the then newly opened Parkwood Academy in the early hours of the morning, but a sprinkler system activated immediately, containing the fire and raising the alarm.

In contrast, a fire at Campsmount school in Doncaster in 2009 caused millions of pounds worth of damage and the entire facility had to be rebuilt. The school did not have sprinklers fitted.

Fire also destroyed Edlington Comprehensive School, which had recently closed, in January 2009.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue has already helped pioneer a drive for sprinklers to be installed in residential properties. In 2011, sprinklers were retro-fitted into a block of flats in Gleadless after a grant from the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association. It was the first scheme of its kind in the country.

Connor’s story

Connor, aged 14Connor liked to spend time with his mates. When the nights got darker, they’d hang out near the shops or the takeaway. Or they’d talk to girls and play music on their phones. Other times they’d just mess about.

One night, one of the lads brought some fireworks to play with. Someone, Connor can’t remember who, lit a firework and dropped it in a wheelie bin on the street.

Nothing happened. Connor went back to have a look.

Suddenly the firework went off and the bin caught light.

The fire got really big, really fast. Flames leapt out and there was loads of thick, black smoke. Then the firework exploded. Connor’s mates ran off. Then he felt his face burning.

Connor wanted to look good in front of his mates. Now he looks like this.

Advice for young people

  • Even small fires spread quickly and can turn into something that could hurt you or someone you love- like your little brother or one of your mates
  • Playing with fireworks could leave you with burns and scars which will last you for the rest of your life
  • When fire engines are out at things like bin and grass fires, they aren’t available to rescue people from house fires. What if there was a fire in your house and your mum was trapped, but firefighters were busy putting out a fire you’d started?
  • People starting fires do get caught. As well as landing you in big trouble with your mum or dad, you could end up in prison

Advice for parents

  • Know where your children are playing this bonfire period. Is it safe? What are they up to when they’re there?
  • Keep matches, lighters and fireworks in a safe place where your kids can’t find them
  • Look out for signs your child could be starting fires- things like the smell of smoke on their clothing or lighters in their pockets. Talk to them about the danger of starting fires

Advice for residents

  • Help reduce fires by bringing in your bin in off the street as soon as it’s been collected, and only put it out on the morning of collection
  • Don’t store things like unwanted sofas and other furniture in your garden- these are an easy target for people wanting to start fires
  • If you know someone is starting fires in your area, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Arsonists do get caught and they do get prosecuted

Connor’s story is fictional but the circumstances leading to his injuries are based on research and experience compiled by the police and fire service.

Open water safety advice following lake rescue

Fire officers are asking the public to stay safe this summer by not risking their lives through swimming in open water.

Firefighters had to rescue two men on Friday evening after they had entered water at Lakeside, Doncaster.

Crews from Edlington, Doncaster, Rivelin and Aston Park stations responded to the incident at around 9.30pm, finding the pair clinging to a boat in the middle of the lake.

They used a fire service boat to rescue the men, who were both in their twenties, after they had entered the water to cool off in hot weather. They were both taken to hospital possibly suffering from the effects of hypothermia.

Over 400 people die in the water every year in the UK and as the summer continues and temperatures become warmer, it is essential to be aware of the dangers that rivers, lakes and reservoirs can present.

Places like rivers, lakes or flooded quarries are completely unsuitable for swimming as they hide a number of hidden dangers.

River flows can be unpredictable and the water is often deeper, colder and faster than expected.

The dangers of open water are:

  • The water can be much deeper than you expect
  • Rivers, lakes, canals and reservoirs are much colder than you think
  • Open water can carry water borne diseases, like Weils disease
  • Cold water dramatically affects your ability to swim
  • There may be hidden currents, which can pull you under the water
  • You don’t know what lies beneath, like pieces of rubbish or reeds which can trap or injure you

Grass fire warning during hot weather

Fire crews are warning the public to take extra care during this week’s heat wave to avoid any accidental grass fires.

During hot and dry weather the risk of grass fires increases, but following a few simple steps can greatly reduce the chance of a fire starting.

Fire officers are asking people to help prevent grass fires by:

  • Not using open fires in the countryside
  • Making sure any barbecue or disposable barbecue is only used in a suitable location and is extinguished properly after use
  • Extinguishing cigarettes completely and not throwing cigarette ends on the ground
  • Not leaving bottles or glass in woodland – sunlight shining through glass can start fires

Fire crews want their resources available to protect the communities of South Yorkshire, incidents involving accidental grass fires can use up a lot of these vital resources.

Warning for smokers after house blaze death inquest

Fire officers are again warning of the dangers of smoking in bed, following the death of a man in a Sheffield house fire.

They are also asking their partners in the health, housing and social care sectors to do more to help them identify those who are most at risk of fire, so that they can put extra measures in place to help prevent fatal fires.
Alec Connington, aged 54, died after a fire at his top floor flat on Manor Park Road, Sheffield.

A neighbour had raised the alarm after hearing smoke alarms in the property sounding at around 10pm on 17 February this year.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus searched the property and put out the fire. They discovered the body of Mr Connington in the bedroom of the flat.

Mr Connington had received treatment for substance misuse for several years and was a heavy smoker. Fire investigators found more than 200 cigarette ends close to his bed, an inquest heard.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, deputy coroner Julian Fox said: “Mr Connington’s death is a further reminder that the dangers of smoking in bed can be very great and can easily lead to fatal fires.”

Station Manager Simon Rodgers, who investigated the cause of the fire, said: “No one deserves to die in these circumstances and ultimately any house fire death is preventable, regardless of any other factors which may have contributed to that person’s death. We want to use this case to call on our partners to do more to help us to identify those who are most at risk of fire, so that we can put useful measures in place to try to prevent this kind of tragic incident.”

Safety advice from preventing fires caused by cigarettes includes:

• Put out cigarettes properly and dispose of them carefully
• Never buy cheap, imported cigarettes- these don’t meet modern EU guidelines designed to prevent fires
• Never smoke in bed- you can easily fall asleep, starting a fire

Fire service safety advice ahead of Islamic festival

The fire service is calling on South Yorkshire’s Muslim communities to take extra care ahead of one of the most important periods in the Islamic calendar.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue fears people are more likely to be at risk of fire during Ramadan, which begins on 18 June.

Ramadan lasts for 30 days and is observed by fasting during daylight hours, with cooking taking place before sunrise or after sunset.

Head of community safety Kevin Ronan, said: “We recognise this is a really important time in the Islamic calendar, but want to make sure people observe it safely. In particular, people should take extra care to keep an eye on their cooking, as fasting could leave you feeling tired and more likely to become distracted or have an accident.

“Smoke alarms are the best way of making sure that if a fire does occur, you have the vital extra minutes to escape. So make sure smoke alarms are fitted on every level of your home and test them regularly.

“It’s also vital that if the smoke alarms do sound, everyone in the house knows what to do and knows how to escape, so talk this through with your family and loved ones.”

Top tips for staying safe during Ramadan include:

• Cooking- Half of all house fires start in the kitchen, so take extra care when cooking, particularly with hot oil – it sets alight easily
• Never throw water on a burning pan- in the event of a fire get out, stay out and call 999
• Take extra care with clothing- make sure hijaabs, shalwar, kameez and saris are kept well away from the hob
• Practise escape routes- and make sure every member of your family knows it well
• Have a working smoke alarm on every floor of your home- test them weekly to make sure they work.

Safety advice after Wake Road inquest verdict

The fire service has repeated safety warnings, after an inquest into the deaths of five people in a house fire in Sheffield concluded.

The tragedy on Wake Road, Sheffield killed three generations of the same family in April 2014.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, coroner Chris Dorries described the fire as “a tragedy of unimaginable proportion” and said the cause of the fire was “undetermined.”

Evidence was heard from forensic experts about electrical items which were found close to where the fire started. These included a mobile phone, phone charger and baby monitor charging cradle, but the coroner said none of these could be said to have caused the fire.

Smoke alarms were fitted in the property and operated that night, but the family initially believed it to be a false alarm.

The fire spread quickly and was described by firefighters as being particularly ferocious. This was aided by doors within the house remaining open, which helped the fire to spread, the inquest heard.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue’s head of community safety Kevin Ronan, said: “This was the most serious house fire in terms of loss of life that our crews have attended for many years. Our thoughts remain with the loved ones of those who died at what must be a time of enormous sorrow.

“Fires as serious as this are fortunately very rare, but when they do happen they affect our service personnel and the wider community very deeply.

“We’d remind people that whilst smoke alarms have the potential to save lives in house fires, they will only do so if people take the appropriate action when the alarm sounds- to get out, stay out and call 999.

“One of our main safety messages during talks and safety visits is to shut internal doors at night to stop the spread of a fire in the event one does occur. Unfortunately it does not appear that this happened at this incident, meaning the blaze spread incredibly quickly.”

Firefighters were praised during proceedings for their exceptional bravery, with Mr Dorries commending the first crew in attendance to the Chief Fire Officer for recognition.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus walked up a burning staircase in temperatures of more than 1000 degrees celcius to search for casualties, the inquest heard.

“We echo the words of the coroner who commended the actions of the first crew in attendance. The inquest was told that this was the most ferocious domestic fire firefighters with more than 25 years experience had ever attended, and it is right that their actions have been recognised”, said Kevin.

One of those who died, 53-year-old Shabina Begum, has also been nominated for a posthumous Royal Humane Society award in recognition of her bravery in attempting to rescue her grandchildren from the fire.

Top 10 tips for preventing fires

Sizzle safely say firefighters ahead of BBQ weekend

South Yorkshire residents planning to celebrate the warm weather with a barbecue this weekend are being reminded to take some basic steps to ensure their party plans don’t go up in smoke.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue say al fresco cooking carries a potential fire risk- but only if barbecues are used incorrectly.

Kevin Ronan, head of community safety, said: “Many people will be taking advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and after a week of rain, who can blame them. All we are saying is before you get started with the sausages and kebabs, take a minute to decide where you’re going to site it. Then, when the coals are properly cooled, dispose of them safely.”

To make sure your barbecue goes to plan:

  • Site it on a flat surface well away from trees, shrubs and grassland
  • Keep a bucket of water or sand close by, just in case
  • Never use petrol or paraffin on a barbecue, only recognised lighters and starter fuels
  • Make sure the coals have properly cooled before disposal and empty ashes onto bare soil, not into the bin

Recent high-profile deaths on campsites involving barbecues have also prompted safety campaigners to remind campers of the fatal consequences of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Barbecues continue to give off the deadly gas even after the coals are cool. So campers should never use barbecues inside tents, or to stay warm indoors.