A pram was deliberately set on fire at 7:05pm on Wilton Gardens, Bradgate, Rotherham. Firefighters from Rotherham attended the incident. They left at 7:35pm.
Firefighters from Doncaster were called out to a bush on fire in Warmsworth Park, Edlington Lane, Warmsworth, Doncaster at 7:10pm. The fire is believed to have been started deliberately. The fire crew left at 7:40pm.
At 7:55pm last night a skip was deliberately set on fire on Retford Road, Woodhouse Mill, Rotherham. A fire crew from Aston station attended the incident. The crew left at 8:30pm.
Doncaster firefighters were called out to a bin fire on Wilmington Drive, Lakeside, Doncaster at 8pm last night. The fire is thought to have started accidentally. The firefighters left at 8:15pm.
A Range Rover car was deliberately set on fire last night at 8:05pm on Pinfold Gardens, Cudworth, Barnsley. Firefighters from Cudworth station attend the incident. They left at 8:35pm.
At 9:20pm a motorbike was deliberately set on fire on Pickle Grove, New Rossington, Doncaster. The fire crew from Rossington station were called to the incident. They left the scene at 9:40pm.
Two fire crews from Central station were called out to a deliberate skip fire at 11:15pm on Ringinglow Road, Sheffield. They came away from the scene at 11:50pm.