South Yorkshire landlords are being urged to comply with new fire safety laws– six months after legislation requiring all privately rented homes to be fitted with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors came into force.
Since October last year, private landlords have been required to fit smoke alarms on each floor of their rental properties and install carbon monoxide alarms in rooms containing solid fuel burners – such as cookers and heaters – or face a £5,000 fine.
Fire officers say whilst most landlords in South Yorkshire are complying with the safety laws, there remains confusion amongst both landlords and tenants about their responsibilities under the new law.
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Area Manager Steve Helps, said: “The private rented sector provides homes for some of the county’s most vulnerable groups and there is no doubt that these regulations will make privately rented accommodation safer and save lives.
“We want to help South Yorkshire’s private landlords meet their fire safety responsibilities under this new law and would urge them to take the time to understand the legislation and fit detectors where required.
“Tenants can also play a part in taking responsibility for their own safety by reminding their landlords about the new legislation if there are no smoke or carbon monoxide alarms in their home.”
Your landlord must:
- Follow safety regulations
- Provide a smoke alarm on each storey and a carbon monoxide alarm in rooms with a usable fireplace or woodburner
- Check you have access to escape routes at all times
- Make sure the furniture and furnishings they supply are fire safe
- Provide fire alarms and extinguishers if the property is a large House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
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