A fire station based boxing club is proving a big hit with youngsters in Doncaster, in one of the first partnerships of its kind anywhere in the country.
The knock out success of Thorne and Moorends Boxing Club sees dozens of young people including boys and girls from eight years old upwards bob and weave at Thorne fire station twice a week.
The Doncaster Council backed initiative is also helping to build links with the local gypsy traveller community.
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) says the scheme supports its youth engagement work in the area, ultimately helping to drive down anti-social behaviour and reduce fires.
Station Manager Delroy Galloway said: “Allowing one of our fire stations to be used as a venue for a boxing club is win-win. For the club, we can provide a venue for young people to take part in physical activity in a safe and structured environment. For us, we can build lasting, positive relationships with youngsters in the communities we are here to serve.”
Thorne and Moorends Boxing Club meets on Tuesdays (5pm to 7pm) and Saturdays (11am to 12pm) at Thorne fire station, Union Road and costs a pound to take part. For more information find Thorne and Moorends Boxing Club on Facebook.